“I live for fall boots,” she says. “I love wearing mine as a statement piece, like these white ones. It’s fun to pick a great color boot and style my entire look around it.” As Hall’s style proves, even when you stick with a uniform (a suit, in this case) there are still countless variations that can keep your outfits fresh and lively. Her fall fashion advice: “Have fun, take risks, and stay warm.” Easy enough. LOOK 1: SOREL boots, sorel.com; Dodo Bar Or knit polo bodysuit, dodobaror.com; Dodo Bar Or vest, dodobaror.com; Dodo Bar Or blazer, dodobaror.com; Dodo Bar Or pants, dodobaror.com; Loren Stewart rings, lorenstewart.com; APM Monaco rings, apm.mc; editor’s own rings. LOOK 2: SOREL boots, sorel.com; Frankie Shop blazer and pants, thefrankieshop.com; Ganni sweater, ganni.com; Bony Levy earrings, bonylevy.com; editor’s own rings. If you love the Official Yg Marley Free Praise Jah In The Moonlight Shirt Besides,I will do this ’90s, that’s already one thing you have in common with Erica Gonzales. The HarpersBazaar.com culture and content strategy director is “very much feeling the ’90s this year” and is channeling a decade marked by pared-back, casual style.
Her nonchalant look above nods to ’90s sensibilities with a baseball cap and crisp button-down styled with leather trousers and SOREL Kinetic Lace sneakers. “I love a good pair of sneakers and I’ve been itching to jump on the Official Yg Marley Free Praise Jah In The Moonlight Shirt Besides,I will do this leather [pants] trend, so why not combine the two?” she asks. “I like the mix of textures and colors in this combination and how the sleek black leather brings out the bright accents in the shoe. The sneakers are also so light and hassle-free, they’re an easy pair for heavier fabrics like leather or corduroy.”
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